TOShKENT, 22 avg – Sputnik. Rossiya ilk bor odamsifat “Fodor” nomli robotni “Soyuz MS-14” raketasida fazoga uchirdi. Bu haqda RIA Novosti xabar qildi.
Xabarda aytilishicha, Qozog‘istondagi Baykonur kosmodromidan mahalliy vaqt soat 06:38 da parvozga start berildi.
“Fodor” roboti Yuriy Gagarinning mashhur iborasini (Poyexali! Poyexali!) aytib parvozni boshladi.
Raketa 8 daqiqa 49 sonidan so‘ng orbitaga chiqib, xalqaro kosmik stansiyasi (MKS)ga yo‘l oldi.
“Soyuz MS-14" fazo kemasi MKSga ikki sutka davomida parvoz qiladi. Robot orbitada 17 sutka bo‘ladi.
LIFTOFF! 🚀 At 11:38pm ET, an uncrewed Soyuz spacecraft launched to the @Space_Station. This test flight will validate the spacecraft's compatibility with an upgraded booster rocket, before it's used to fly crew to the station next year. Watch:
— NASA (@NASA) 22 avgusta 2019 g.