So‘nggi 20-yilda bundan dahshatlisi bo‘lmagan – “Beslan” filmi rejissori

© Sputnik / Denis Abramov / Mediabankka o‘tishTraurnie meropriyatiya v Beslane
Traurnie meropriyatiya v Beslane - Sputnik O‘zbekiston
Obuna bo‘lish
"Rossiya 1" telekanalida 3-sentabr kuni Beslan fojeasi haqida yangi hujjatli film namoyish etiladi. RIA Novosti premyera arafasida ushbu film rejisseri Aleksandr Rogatkin bilan suhbat qildi.

TOShKENT, 2 sen — Sputnik. 2004 yilning 1-sentabrida Shimoliy Osetiyaning Beslan shahrida terrorchilar guruhi 1-sonli maktabda 1100 nafar maktab o‘qituvchilari, o‘quvchilari va ularning ota-onalarini garovga olgan edi. 3 kun davomida olib borilgan muzokaralardan so‘ng spesnaz kuchlari maktab binosiga hujum qilgan, terrorchilar portlovchi moslamalarni portlatgan va oqibatda yuzlab fuqarolar qurbon bo‘lgan.  

— Aleksandr, tomoshabinlar filmingizdan ushbu fojea haqida qanday yangi ma’lumotlarni bilib olishlari mumkin?

— Bu voqeadan 16-yil o‘tgan bo‘lsa-da, haliyam u jamoatchilik orasida turli mish-mishlarga sabab bo‘lmoqda. Bizning eng yangi tariximizda bundan dahshatliroq hodisa bo‘lmagan. Shuning uchun bu albatta hali ham ko‘p jurnalistlarning e’tiborini tortadi.

Lekin so‘nggi vaqtlarda juda ko‘p odamlar ushbu fojea orqali o‘ziga diqqat-e’tibor qaratishni istamoqda. Ular turli muqobil versiyalarni olg‘a surish, yangi afsona va uydirmalarni o‘ylab chiqarishmoqda. Ushbu yolg‘onlarning aksariyati voqeani tergov qilgan komissiya a’zosi, "Rodina" fraksiyasi deputati Yuriy Savelyevning hisobotiga asoslangan. Savelyev komissiya hisobotiga imzo chekishni istamay o‘zining 7 tomdan iborat muqobil versiyasini chop etgan edi. Uning aytishicha, go‘yoki "terrorchilarda portlovchi moslamalar bo‘lmagan va spesnaz terrorchilarni o‘ldirishga qaror qilgan va granatomot va olov purkagichlardan foydalangan. Buning oqibatida garovga olinganlarning ko‘pchiligi qurbon bo‘lgan".  Aynan mana shu versiyani bizning liberal va muxolifat OAVlar hamda G‘arb tomonidan shuncha yillardan beri tinimsiz chaynab kelinmoqda.

— Bu versiyani ko‘p marotaba inkor etishgan edi-ku...

— Prokuratura buni tekshirdi. Hatto o‘sha qurollarni ishlab chiqargan "Bazalt" ilmiy ishlab chiqarish uyushmasi ham ularning granatomotlari 2 g‘isht qalinligidagi devorni teshib o‘ta olmasligini isbotlashdi. Buning uchun ular poligonda xuddi Beslandagi maktab devoridek devor qurib, unga spesnaz o‘sha vaqtda foydalangan granatomotdan, pulemotlardan o‘q uzishdi. Lekin ushbu qurollar 2 g‘isht qalinligidagi devorni teshib o‘ta olmadi.

Keyin ular ushbu devor yonida stul ustiga o‘rnatilgan qo‘lbola portlovchi moslamani portlatishdi. Devorda hujum vaqti paydo bo‘lganidek teshik hosil bo‘ldi.

Shunga qaramasdan "Novaya gazeta", "Exo Moskvi" va "Radio Svoboda" Savelyev hisobotiga asoslangan ko‘plab jurnalist tekshiruvlarini chop etishmoqda. Ular yildan-yilga hech narsaga asoslanmagan ushbu afsonani takrorlab kelishmoqda.

Biz ushbu filmda ko‘plab ana shunday afsonalarni esga oldik va ularni dalil va isbotlar bilan rad etdik. Xudoga shukrki, voqeaning tirik guvohlari, fotosuratlar, o‘sha yerda ishlagan ko‘plab mutaxassislar bor.

— Filmni suratga olishda biror muammoga duch keldingizmi?

— Yo‘q, hech qanday qiyinchilik bo‘lmadi. Guvohlar ko‘p. O‘sha yerda garovga olinganlar orasida ham. Ayrimlari eslashni xohlamaydi, lekin boshqalar voqea tafsilotlarini aytib berishga tayyor. Lekin filmga barchaning munosabati yaxshi. "Beslan onalari" qo‘mitasi ham bizga yordam berdi. Ayrim masalalarda ular professor Savelyev nuqtayi-nazarini qo‘llab-quvvatlashsa-da, ammo aksariyat savollarimizga javob berishdi.

— Ushbu mavzuda kitob yozishni istaysizmi?

— Bilmadim. Hozircha bu haqda o‘ylaganim yo‘q.

© Sputnik / Denis Abramov / Mediabankka o‘tishCandles are lit in front of portraits of victims who died during the 2004 Beslan hostage crisis at a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
Traurnie meropriyatiya v Beslane - Sputnik O‘zbekiston
Candles are lit in front of portraits of victims who died during the 2004 Beslan hostage crisis at a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
© Sputnik / Denis Abramov / Mediabankka o‘tishPeople attend a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
Traurnie meropriyatiya v Beslane - Sputnik O‘zbekiston
People attend a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
© Sputnik / Denis Abramov / Mediabankka o‘tishPeople attend a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
Traurnie meropriyatiya v Beslane - Sputnik O‘zbekiston
People attend a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
© Sputnik / Denis Abramov / Mediabankka o‘tishPeople lay flowers during a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
Traurnie meropriyatiya v Beslane - Sputnik O‘zbekiston
People lay flowers during a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
Candles are lit in front of portraits of victims who died during the 2004 Beslan hostage crisis at a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
People attend a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
People attend a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
People lay flowers during a memorial event marking the 16th anniversary of the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan, Russia. Over 30 terrorists seized the school in the morning on September 1, 2004, when the children gathered in the yard to mark the start of the school year. The terror attack claimed lives of 334 people, including 318 hostages, 186 of whom were children.
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