To‘lin oy dunyoning turli burchaklarida


Astronomlarning qayd etishicha, 2019-yilda ikki marta superoyni kuzatish imkoni bo‘ldi. Birinchisi 21-yanvarda oy tutilish hodisasi bilan birga kuzatildi. Ikkinchi superoy 19-fevralda kuzatildi.

Mazkur hodisaning eng yorqin suratlarini Sputnik jamlanmasida tomosha qiling.

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People use telescopes to observe the lunar eclipse in Gauhati, India, Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018. The moon is putting on a rare cosmic show. It's the first time in 35 years a blue moon has synced up with a supermoon and a total lunar eclipse. NASA is calling it a lunar trifecta: the first super blue blood moon since 1982. That combination won't happen again until 2037.
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Superlunie, nablyudayemoe v Moskve.
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A Super Snow Moon rises behind a sculpture in Skopje on February 19, 2019.
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Superlunie, nablyudayemoe v Moskve.
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Superlunie, nablyudayemoe v Moskve.
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Superlunie, nablyudayemoe v Moskve. Sleva - bashnya "Oko" Moskovskogo mejdunarodnogo delovogo sentra (MMDS) "Moskva-Siti".
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The full moon lights up the sky as it passes behind the World Trade Center in New York City, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2019.
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A super snow moon rises as people visit the Areios Pagos hill at the archaeological site of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece February 19, 2019.
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Superlunie, nablyudayemoe so smotrovoy ploshadki bashni "Oko" Moskovskogo mejdunarodnogo delovogo sentra (MMDS) "Moskva-Siti". Sprava - bashnya "Federatsiya".
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A 'Super Snow Moon' rises over the banks of the River Loire at Lavau-sur-Loire, western France on February 19, 2019.
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An aircraft approaches the airport as the moon rises in Frankfurt, Germany, Monday, Feb. 18, 2019.
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Superlunie, nablyudayemoe v Moskve.
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Superlunie, nablyudayemoe v Moskve.